Category : Admission

Provisional Admission Affidavit- Submitted By Parent

AFFIDAVIT (To Be Submitted By Parents) My ward _________ son/daughter/wife of _________ resident of _________ seeking admission to _________ of _________ University, hereby solemnly affirm and declare (i)      That my ward have/has appeared in the _________ examination, _________ of _________,…

Provisional Admission Affidavit- Submitted By Student

AFFIDAVIT (To be Submitted By Student) I _________ son/daughter of _________ resident of _________  seeking admission to _________ of _________ University, hereby solemnly affirm and declare (i)    That I have/has appeared in the _________  examination, _________ of _________, the result…

Affidavit for Admission in Sports Training Centre

AFFIDAVIT I, _________ aged_________ years_________ residing at House No_________ _________ do hereby affirm and undertake as follows:- 1. That my ward _________ , S/o Shri_________ , has been selected for admission to ________ Training Centre_________ and I have no objection…

Affidavit for Admission

A F F I D A V I T I, _____ SON OF _____ RESIDENT OF _____, _____ do hereby solemnly affirm and declare as under :- 1.    That I am the permanent resident of above said address. 2.    That…