Category : Disputes

No Dispute Affidavit

AFFIDAVIT I/We, _________ ,  both residents of _________, do solemnly affirm and declare as under: 1.    That we are absolute owner and in physical possession of property bearing __________________ (herein after called and said property). 2.    That the above said…

Form Format Industrial Disputes

FORM K-3 [See Rule 62 (2)] APPLICATION UNDER SECTION _________ , OF THE  INDUSTRIAL DISPUTES ACT, _________ _________        VERSUS _________ Sir, The applicant/claimant _________ with the respondents and he be entitled to receive from the respondent of _________ /-…

Annexure for Amount Details Format

BEFORE THE PRESIDING OFFICER INDUSTRIAL TRIBUNAL, CUM- LABOUR COURT, NO_________ _________. _________          VERSUS _________ APPLICATION UNDER SECTION _________ , OF THE INDUSTRIAL DISPUTES ACT, _________ ANNEXURE Details Amount Total _________/- Dated :                                          CLAIMANT _________ Seat No. _________, _________ Courts,…

Industrial Disputes Claim Application

BEFORE THE PRESIDING OFFICER INDUSTRIAL TRIBUNAL, CUM- LABOUR COURT, NO_________. Mr./Ms. _________ S/o,D/o Shri _________,  Resident of _________, District, State _________ ………. APPLICANT/CLAIMANT VERSUS _________ Address _________, _________   Through its _________, _________ ……….RESPONDENT APPLICATION UNDER SECTION _________ , OF THE…

Police Aid to Applicant for Property Application

IN THE COURT OF _____  _____   Versus   _____ EXECUTION Application for putting up the file and for providing the Police help to the applicant /decree holder for the purpose of delivery of the possession of the property Respectfully Showeth: 1- That the…

Industrial Disputes Salary Application

BEFORE THE PRESIDING OFFICER INDUSTRIAL TRIBUNAL, CUM LABOUR COURT  NO._________  _____ Son of  _____, Resident _____       …..APPLICANT/CLAIMANT     VERSUS _____, _____  Through its Managing Director _____      …..RESPONDENT APPLICATION UNDER SECTION _____OF THE INDUSTRIAL DISPUTES ACT, _____ Sir,  It is respectfully…